The Wow! Signal
My last post entitled " SETI@home " discussed BLC1, a potential candidate for a signal originating from extra-terrestrial intelligence. However, this is not the only signal Earth has received that may have originated from extra-terrestrial intelligence. A classic example is known as the "Wow! signal". The 70s saw the birth of globalisation and as a result a brief fling with the punk/hard rock counterculture movement. Indeed, terrestrial airwaves were busy with the radio signals of either global mainstream news, Sex pistols, Joan Jett and of course my personal favourite AC/DC. However, during this infamous decade Ohio state University began conducting its first continuous SETI program with the hope of finding evidence of extra-terrestrial life. On the 15 th of August 1977 the Ohio state University telescope "Big Ear" detected a strong radio signal emanating from the Sagittarius constellation. This signal was noticed days later by volunteer astronomer Jer...
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