Life on Venus?

One of life's greatest mysteries is that are we alone? For a while it was speculated that the best chances of finding some form of life within our tantalising close solar system would have been on Titan (one of Saturn's many moons). However, very recently scientists have uncovered evidence to suggest that life may exist on Venus! This is an incredibly ground breaking result. Life on the baron hot rock of Venus, surely not? Whilst the surface of Venus is simply too hot to harness some form of organic life (such as ourselves). The upper atmosphere of Venus produces clement conditions for perhaps life to flourish... Surface and atmospheric temperatures of Venus The surface temperature of Venus is 464°C, this is simply too hot for organic life. However, around 50 miles from the surface the upper and lower gas clouds produce temperatures between 30°C and 80°C, indeed a more clement temperature. A 2019 survey of Venusian light absorbances suggested the presence of chemica...