Network: Galactic

Intergalactic space travel seems exiting doesn't it? However, the reality is that even with current or futuristic technology intergalactic travel would take a very long time. Galaxies within our local group are millions and billions of light years away, meaning it would take millions and billions of years to reach them if we travelled at the speed of light. Galaxies outside our local group are not gravitationally bound to our own group, this means they will continue to accelerate away from us, in essence we would forever travel into 'nothing' trying to reach them. However, what if there was an easier way? In 1916 Einstein 's theory of general relativity boldly predicted the existence of black holes. Whilst scoffed at by many at the time, he was later proved correct! General relativity also predicted the existence of wormholes! Lets suspend disbelief for a moment and assume the following: 1: String theory is proven correct and strings existed primordially. 2: Black holes...